Our Work | Illinois, Underground Utilities

Satellite 1 – Lower Concourse C Extension (LCE) – Civil, TP-32



O’Hare International Airport

Satellite 1 – Lower Concourse C Extension (LCE) – Civil, TP-32

Reyes Group was awarded the project as a joint venture partner along with K-Five Construction Corporation. The scope of work includes site demolition of apron pavements, 12” water main, and CED ductbanks. Installation of an earth retention system and various utilities including approximately 600 LF of 108” RCP storm jack and bored, 12” sanitary, 12” water, 12” fuel main (by others), 12” natural gas (by others), and 9-way CECO ductbank. Manholes, handholes, and junction chambers will be required to support the utility systems. The scope also includes grading of the existing island infills, installation of PCCP and asphalt apron paving for the temporary gates, and the associated passenger boarding bridge foundations.

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